Monday, January 6, 2014

Godly Fatherhood is Not For Wimps

As a father, I have a HUGE responsibility. It's something I forget from time to time but don't ever want to take for granted. My children are watching me very closely, and listening to the words that come out of my mouth. And they often don't forget things, either.

The other day the boys got to talking to Amy about cuss words for some reason. Maybe they heard some on TV. I wouldn't be surprised since it happens a lot. We do our best to monitor shows, but at times we miss stuff. This particular day they said to mom, "We have only heard dad say one cuss word."

Wow. Only one!? That's amazing. I don't cuss like a sailor, but my words certainly aren't always pure. I work very hard to keep my words controlled, but I think and even whisper a lot of words that are not honoring to the Lord. I consider it a blessing and a miracle that my children haven't heard a lot of foul language. What's funny is the one they did hear was at Caleb's birthday party last year. A near wreck by Collin on the four wheeler caused me to blurt out loud something I couldn't undo.

I am learning more and more, and realizing that Godly Fatherhood is Not for Wimps! It takes courage, surrender to the Lord, purpose, perseverance, and humility. On my own, I can't be the type of father that reflects who God is to my children. I mess it up daily, but I want to keep striving and leading them to Him. My children aren't getting any younger, so "in the blink of an eye" they will be moving out and on their own. I want them to launch well and be equipped to face the world with full assurance of my blessing and love.

Look at these words from The Resolution for Men book. Very powerful and gives us fathers a higher calling in life  not to be taken lightly.
God created fatherhood with an eternal purpose: to reveal and represent Himself...The word father means "founder, source, chief, or leader."...He did not simply realize that earthly fathers were like Him and then decide to call Himself our Father. On the contrary, He eternally existed as God the Father in heaven and intentionally created the role of fatherhood on earth to reveal who He is and show us the nature of His relationship with His Son.
All fatherhood comes from Him (Ephesians 3:14-15). Every human father is called to be a daily, physical representation of God to his children, to introduce Him to the next generation. When a child looks at his earthly father, he should be able to see these qualities:
  • a loving Provider
  • a strong Protector
  • a truthful Leader
  • a respectable Authority
  • an intimate Friend
They go on to write more profound and powerful words about the impact of fathers on their children. It's a high calling for sure. There's no reason for me to ever be bored or without purpose. There is work to be done and a real enemy that wishes to keep my children stuck in bondage and fear. Some days I feel equipped to lead. Many days I don't. I must daily surrender my fears, my past failures, and my weaknesses to the Lord and let Him do for me what I can't.

It is privilege and an honor to be called a Father, a daddy. I hope I grow each day in this awesome role and influence in my children's life. I wish that for other fathers, too. We are in this together.
Proverbs 3:11-12  (NIV)
My son, do not despise the LORD's discipline and do not resent his rebuke,
because the LORD disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.

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