Monday, July 28, 2014

Flaws and Friendship

I continue to slowly work my way through the book, The Meaning of Marriage, by Timothy Keller. Chapter four is on friendship in marriage. Look at this powerful quote:

If you don't see your mate's deep flaws and weaknesses and dependencies, you're not even in the game. But if you don't get excited about the person your spouse has already grown into and will become, you aren't tapping into the power of marriage as spiritual friendship. The goal is to see something absolutely ravishing that God is making of the beloved. you see even now flashes of glory. You want to help your spouse become the person God wants him or her to be.
What a powerful vision for marriage - helping each as friends and lovers become "the person God wants him or her to be." We as spouses have to each take responsibility for our personal and spiritual development and relationship with God, but what a higher calling as spouses to cheer each other on and be active in what God is doing in and through the other. It sure beats selfish living and constant tension and fighting against one another.

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