Wednesday, July 30, 2014

"We landed on the moon!"

There is a scene in the movie, Dumb and Dumber, when the character played by Jim Carey is leaving a building and notices a sign that says, "Man walks on the moon!" He stands there and looks amazed and in awe and wonder. He is shocked and celebrates such an accomplishment by the USA - "We landed on the moon!" As we all know, that was "old news" and his reaction was a bit late due to his "ignorance," but its funny stuff!

I had a moment like that, sort of, this past weekend. I was at Amy's dad's house and noticed the book, How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie. I borrowed the book and started reading it. Wow; it is awesome. I almost thought, "Man, I have to tell people about this book!" Well, it's "old news" in a way, though I am sure many haven't read it, or even heard of it. It was first written in the late 1930's and caused quite a stir among people - in a good way. They originally printed 5000 copies but have sense sold over 15 million copies (maybe even way more than that)!!!!

As I read the book, I am getting convicted, saddened, and excited all at the same time. It is something I long to be like and wish I would have read it years and years ago. There is a part of me that thinks even if I would have read it, I would not have been open to the wisdom and insights. Hard to say, but at this point in my life, I want to let it radically transform my mind and actions towards others. I want to be a difference maker and stop living in the "funk" of my regret, shame, and doubt.

Check out the book or audio downloads. It is incredible and most likely will inspire you to be greater, more loving, more kind, more encouraging, more serving, and more people-oriented.

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