Monday, June 29, 2015

What Am I Passing Down?

As I listened to a sermon today at Elevation Church, pastor Steven Furtik said a powerful statement about what we pass down to our children (and more) with our hatred, racism, un-Biblical views, etc. He said:

What doesn't get healed, gets handed down.

What "baggage" am I passing down to my children with my wounds? Am I passing down dishonoring beliefs, actions, philosophies, views, etc due to my unwillingness to let God transform my mind and heart?

I pray that I seek Christ with my WHOLE heart and not just parts of it. I want FULL healing and redemption and restoration, not partial healing.

My new goal in life: END ADULTERY. Not just with me, but in my children and their children and any other person who is willing. God is the hero of our story. He is longing for His people to surrender to His goodness, to His will, to His heart and ways.

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