Sunday, September 8, 2013

A Call to Die

I have started reading David Platt's book, Follow Me. He has a deep, mature view of Christianity and calls us to rethink what it means to be a Christian. Being a Christ follower is not just about a prayer we pray and a ticket to Heaven. It goes way beyond that. It is going to stretch me and challenge me, more than I can imagine.

He says in chapter one,
If our lives do not reflect the fruit of following Jesus, then we are foolish to think that we are actually followers of Jesus in the first place.
Based on what I have read so far in chapter one, it is safe to say (for the most part) that though I prayed to become a Christian on Nov. 17, 1993, I have only been a true Christ-follower for a few of those years. I actually lived contrary to my faith; in so many ways. I did some good works off and on, but had little "fruit." The "idols" and "chains" of selfishness, lust, insecurity, unforgiveness, anger, and self-hatred were strongholds that I struggled to give up or get help for.

Being a Christ-follower is not about being perfect and appearing to have it all together. As David Platt says in his book in chapter one,
I feel like I'm on pretty safe ground in assuming that once people truly come face-to-face with Jesus, the God of the universe in the flesh, and Jesus reaches down into the depth of their hearts, saves their souls from the clutches of sin, and transforms their lives to follow him, they are going to look different. Very different. People who claim to be Christians while their lives look no different from the rest of the world are clearly not Christians.
The very first word out of Jesus' mouth in his ministry in the New Testament is clear: repent. Repentance is a rich biblical term that signifies and elemental transformation in someone's mind, heart and life. When people repent, they turn from walking in one direction to running in the opposite direction. From that point forward, they think differently, believe differently, feel differently, love differently, and live differently.
For every Christian in every culture, repentance is necessary... And as Christ begins to live in us, everything begins to change about us. Our minds change...Ultimately, our reason for living changes.
Sadly, I have not taken the call to die and live in Christ fully to heart my 20+ years as a Christian. I fell flat on my face as a result of it two years ago. I am finally seeking to be a true Christ follower, though I have miles to go. I know I still have "idols" to give up and surrender. I know I still hold on to certain "comforts" and fears that keep me from fully trusting Christ. My desire is to glorify Him and please Him, but parts of my flesh are fighting against it.

I want to have "fruit" of heart and life change. I want to repent daily. I want to surrender my will to Jesus and die to self. I want to serve Jesus and give cheerfully and sacrificially. I don't want to settle for less than God's best or give in to my flesh. I believe, Lord, help my unbelief!

"Follow me," Jesus calls. Am I willing to give up everything to follow Him? Am I willing to do whatever it takes, as long as it takes, no matter how difficult, risky, foolish, or "irrational" it seems? Do I trust Him enough to do whatever He calls me to do, believing He will never leave me or forsake me, but also knowing also suffering may occur?

I can't say 100%. I wish I could. I hope I will. May I be found faithful each day. Apart from Christ, I can do nothing. Through Christ, I can do all things He calls me to do; with strength and confidence.

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