Monday, June 23, 2014

"Whine without ceasing?"

There is a Bible verse that says to "pray without ceasing" or "pray about everything." I pray often, but lately I believe my praying has turned to whining, sadly. I don't like it when my children whine, but I do it to God. Not cool. Not fun to admit. Humble pie for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

There is another verse that says "by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God." The words, "with thanksgiving," are important to note. Whining comes from fear, selfishness, self-pity, doubt, despair, confusion, entitlement, and ungratefulness. These things fade away when my heart is full of faith, hope, and gratitude, and is grounded in His truth and my enjoyment of Him.

This week I want my prayers to start shifting. I want to pray for the Lord to show me more of Himself, not just answer my prayers of relief, guidance, provision, or career. I want to enjoy HIM, not just what He can do for me. I want to hang out with Him, talk to Him, listen to Him, and even laugh with Him. Enough whining. He knows my heart, He knows my needs, and He is good. He will never leave me nor forsake me. It's a secure relationship, with a loving Father, who corrects, disciplines, guides, comforts, leads, and loves.

What a difference my life would look like if I learned to laugh with Jesus and desire to know Him more personally, more deeply, and more freely.

That way, when life gets overwhelming and my emotions are screaming out in despair and fear, I will naturally run to Him and find joy and peace, rather than panic and doubt. I had to confess and repent again this morning. Thankfully His mercies are new every morning. Lord knows I need His mercy every day. I am sure tomorrow, or soon, I will drift back to doubt and fear and "whine." The good thing is that He is gracious. Man, He is truly a "friend of sinners."


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