Friday, November 1, 2013

Delight - Thankfulness - Belief/Trust

We are in year three of our recovery as a couple, and as individuals. There's been so much to sort out - from crisis to rebuilding. God has been present from day one. The further out from August 2011 we get, the deeper our healing goes. The "why" of what I did continues to be fleshed out, while continually setting healthy boundaries and "taking every thought captive unto obedience of Christ."

There's so much to learn, but the greatest lesson learned is how to delight in Jesus. He is the answer to the longings of my soul. Why I took 36+ years to learn this lesson and finally believe Him is beyond me. My "trust issues" kept me stuck. Now, every day I wake up, it's a new day to be reminded of His delight - to let His delight change me, to delight in Him, and to pass this delight on to my wife and children.

Out of delight, flows thankfulness, gratitude and praise. As that grows, so does my belief and trust in Him. It all cycles back through - delight, thankfulness, belief/trust. When I lose sight of this, I start to fear, doubt, worry, feel shame/self-hatred, and get "spiritual amnesia," forgetting His goodness. Daily bread.

Romans 8:32, New American Standard Bible (NASB)
 32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things?
"Thanks is what builds trust." Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts.

"The foremost quality of a trusting disciple is gratefulness." Brennan Manning, Ruthless Trust.


I mentioned a book this week that has had a big impact on me regarding healing and insight, called Taking Every Thought Captive, by Dr. Mark Laaser.

There's another one I am about to start reading that is by Dave Carder, one of the leading experts on adultery recovery. He wrote Torn Asunder, which is a great read and very helpful to those facing adultery. He has written another book called, Close Calls: What Adulterers Want You to Know About Protecting Your Marriage. I am looking forward to reading it. I hope to gain even more insight about our situation, as well as help others in their pursuit for PREVENTION and recovery. Prevention is the best option!!

 Filling your mind with truth is so important for recovery. Who you talk to, what you watch, what you listen to, and what you read can either help you grow in your hope and trust of Christ, or cause you confusion and to waiver in your commitment to purity, growth, healing, and wholeness. Pray for wisdom and let Christ, "who holds all things together," be huge in your life today. When we are weak, He is strong.

One day at a time. Today is a gift. Receive it. Cherish it. Live it fully. Be amazed by Jesus.

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