Saturday, December 14, 2013

7 Money Skills of Extremely Prosperous People

I have been re-reading (with a different perspective), the book called, The One Minute Millionaire, by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen. They have a great perspective on money and wealth that is about having more money so you can bless more people. It's not like some people like to say, "Those greedy rich people." The book isn't about greed - it's about giving. Much different.

I have realized that my perspective on money has been skewed. I have often sabotaged my own financial success. I believe 2014 is a year I want to be pruned of my view of money and what it means to be a good financial steward. I have had to look at most areas of my life with a new set of eyes and thinking since August 2011. Many things I am having to re-learn or learn more fully due to my years of "living in sin."

The book is full of great truths and principles for life, personal development, giving, etc. This particular chapter in the book listed seven money skills of extremely prosperous people. It's a great balance and is something to work toward:
#1. Value - they value each dollar as money seed. They are very respectful of every dollar they spend.

#2. Control - they control their money down to the penny. They take a few extra steps:
  • They shop for the best value
  • They ask for and expect a discount
  • They examine their receipts for mistakes
  • They attempt to turn each expenditure into a legitimate tax deductible business expense
  • They balance their checkbook to the penny
  • They file their receipts upon returning to home or office
#3. Save - They love to save money by spending money wisely. They also save at least 10% of what they earn.

#4. Invest - They invest with a system: Emergency savings, conservative investments, moderately aggressive investments, and very aggressive investments. All of their investments are drafted straight from their bank account so they never forget to do it or miss a month.

#5. Earn - they have multiple streams of income (MSIs)

#6. Shield - they protect themselves with trusts, corporations, LLC's, etc. They live like millionaires and have very few assets in their name.

#7. Share it - They are very generous, donating at least 10% of their income to a church, charity, etc.
I have a ways to go, but it's a process of letting God do His work in me and through me. It's not about the love of money, but the love of God and allowing money to be a blessing, not a curse, idol or god.
Hebrews 13:5 (NIV)
Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said,“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”[a]

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