Friday, December 20, 2013


I want to be a leader in my home, my marriage, with my children, in my career, etc. It's not something I feel overly confident or competent in, but I am pursuing it. One resource I am using to work through this is The Resolution for Men book. I've read through it before, but like most things I've read, I have to re-read,re-apply and re-assess to overcome my mindset and hindrances.

In chapter 5 of the book, it talks about leadership as a man, husband, father, etc. There are some great insights and truths in the book, based on Biblical principles, particularly the story of Joshua, who God called to lead after Moses' death. Here is an exert from the book that spoke loudly to me this morning:

Seven times in the midst of his charge of leadership, God encouraged Joshua with the same defining challenge..."Be strong and courageous." Why did God want Joshua to hear these words so many times? Because He knew that a leader tends to become overwhelmed, afraid, and passive. He knew that strength and courage are fundamental ingredients to become the leader a man should be.
Leaders are the ones who take courage. People will follow a leader eve if he doesn't have it all together. But they won't follow a man without courage, because a man without courage won't lead.

The Devil himself will tell you that you don't have what it takes to lead your marriage or your family. He will point out your mistakes and failures of the past. He will play up your lack of understanding and your uncertainty about the future. He will highlight your feelings of fear and inadequacy. And he will convince you to take the easy way - to disengage and become passive, to let somebody else handle it this time. And next time.

But leadership is not about expertise or perfection or public opinion; it's about courage - the courage to trust God, to do the right thing, to stand alone, to maintain forward momentum, not to cave under pressure, to get back up after being knocked down, again, and again, and again.

"...because a man without courage won't lead." What a sobering reality. Lord, help me learn to lead with strength and courage, no matter what! 

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