Wednesday, April 16, 2014

More to Life Than Paying Bills

I have had moments when my thinking gets off track. I forget my "purpose" and calling and instead focus on my fears, struggles, circumstances, etc. Since I cost my family a lot of pain and struggles, both emotionally and financially, I get bogged down at times feeling like a bad provider, weak leader, etc. This is not who I am in Christ or a place I want to stay long. I quickly ask God for wisdom on it and then to remove these thoughts and replace them with His thoughts and truth.

Digging out of a deep hole isn't easy. I don't always attack the problem with enough persistence, though. Instead, I may get overwhelmed and stuck in a rut. It seems lately I have had to work harder to get through such "stinkin thinkin." I realized this morning that I have been focusing too much on "paying bills" rather than serving, loving, leading, and living beyond myself as a difference maker in the lives of people. Not cool.

The thought came to my mind that Jim Rohn talked about in some of his talks: Living (or working) to pay bills is not living. It's death really. Jesus has called me to a much higher purpose. How dishonoring to Him to narrow down life to paying bills and getting by. I want to sprint across the "Heavenly finish line," not limp the whole journey.

Serving and giving are two things God often uses to get us out of selfish thinking and living. I haven't been doing enough of these two things lately. I had to repent this morning and realign my mind with Jesus' calling and higher purpose for my life.

It's frustrating that I let myself get in such a rut. Thankfully, the Lord is patient and continually leading me through this journey. I also have a growing list of men in my life I can (and do) call often. I want to be all that God desires for me, not for my sake, but for His name sake. He wants it more for me than I often want for myself! Isn't He good?!
John 10:10 (NASB)
The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. 

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