Thursday, October 24, 2013

Will the "invisible" become "visible" today?

I have lived most of my life in a hurry. I'm NOT proud of this. I am bothered that I have missed out on so many moments with my family, friends, and even strangers needing a glimpse of hope and Jesus. And for what purpose? How did it benefit me or anyone?

Sadly, it's far too easy to live life in fast forward. It can happen in the blink of an eye. Slowing down and trying to "Be still..." doesn't come naturally to me, but when I lost my career and nearly my whole family, I "woke"up. I was forced to slow down. That was an act of God's grace. He did for me what I wasn't able or willing to do voluntarily. 

God is way more active in our lives and world than we see or experience. I am saddened by the thought that I have missed 1000's of blessings, gifts from God, and "God moments" because I was in a "hurry." And then, in my frantic and ungratefulness, I often prayed, "Where are you, God? Help me out, here." Meaningless. What an abuse of His grace.

Chapter four, One Thousand Gifts, Voskamp writes...
Haste makes waste. Hurry always empties a soul. Time is a relentless river. It rages on, a respecter of no one. And this, this is the only way to slow time:When I fully enter time's swift current, enter into the current moment with the weight of all my attention, I slow the torrent with the weight of me all here. I can slow the torrent by being all here. I only live the full life when I live fully in the moment. And when I'm always looking for the next glimpse of glory, I slow and enter. And time slows. Weigh down this moment in time with attention full, and the whole of time's river slows, slows, slows. Thanksgiving makes time. I want to slow down and taste life, give thanks, and see God.
"I only live the full life when I live fully in the moment. Thanksgiving makes time. I want to slow down and taste life, give thanks and see God." That's truth well spoken. A life worth living.

Time. It is a gift from God. What will I do with it today? Will I frantically watch the clock and stress over my "to do" list, or will I slow down and live life in the moment? I pray that Jesus will open my eyes today to see Him. I desperately want Him to make the "invisible" become visible. I need the courage to slow down and surrender control, resting and delighting in Him.

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