Thursday, February 13, 2014

Who are you becoming?

Part of my adultery recovery has been to surrender to the LORD - my sin, my fears, my shame, my worries, my future, my past, my present, and everything in between. It's not giving up and settling for a doomed life. It's really quite the opposite. It's a dying to myself so that I may have true life. It's quite a paradox, but it's the heart of the gospel. Intriguing. 

A.W. Tozer wrote about this concept, reminding us that we are not surrendering to a mean, hateful, angry God. It’s quite the opposite. He invites us into His presence to enjoy Him and experience fullness, not fear.

We are often hindered from giving up our treasures to the Lord out of fear for their safety. This is especially true when those treasures are loved relationships and friends. But we need to have no such fears. Our Lord came not to destroy but to save. Everything is safe which we commit to Him, and nothing is really safe which is not so committed. God must do everything for us. Our part is to yield and trust.  

The cross is rough and its deadly, but it is effective. It does not keep its victim hanging there forever. There comes a moment when its work is finished and the suffering victim dies. After that is resurrection glory and power, and the pain is forgotten for joy that the veil is taken away and we have entered into actual spiritual experience the presence of the living God.  Show us how to die, that we may arise again to newness of life

            Often, our “treasure” is in our relationships, particularly our marriage, spouse, or children. When these relationships suffer loss, betrayal, rebellion, or disappointment, we are hurt deeply and may struggle to not give in to fear and panic. If these relationships are what we based our identity, sense of security, and hope on, then we have misunderstood their purposes. No person, thing or relationship can fill those voids in our hearts that only God can fill. No one person on this Earth can promise to never leave you, always love you, and be there for you always. Only God can fulfill such promises. 

Adultery, sin, and the world only offers death and destruction, packaged in "sheep's clothing." It never delivers what it promises. However, God's call to death is quite the opposite. His call to die leads to new life, abundance, peace, and hope. 

Why do we continually run from God's best and choose the world's "junk food?" It makes no sense. It's a good thing He is patient, slow to anger, and willing to see us through to full redemption and life in Him. Hopefully, we will stop running and surrender before things get too bad.

Who are you going to become in your recovery journey? Your choices along the way are very important. Reduce your regrets by becoming better, stronger, more mature, and whole as a person, Lord willing.

What you become is much more valuable than what you get. The major question in a job is not, “What am I getting here?” The major question is, “What (or Who) am I becoming here?” Jim Rohn

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