Monday, July 1, 2013


Hi! It's Amy... I'm writing on Scotty's blog today to introduce myself. I read his blogs daily, and I'm enjoying all that he has to say. Scotty is VERY verbal, and I usually hear what's he thinking on a regular basis. :). But, it's been interesting to read his thoughts the way that he's written them here. And, I want you to know that everything he has written is true and sincere. I haven't read a single line of his posts that differs even slightly from what we see and experience with him here at home.

I haven't always been able to make statements like that. Prior to Scotty's confession, he was consumed with self hatred. This hatred & discomfort with himself was evident LONG before there was any sexual/relational sin to accompany it. For whatever reason, Scotty just wasn't "comfortable in his own skin". And, that discomfort caused an angry and defensive spirit. Somehow, though, our amazing God was able to use disgusting sin that SHOULD have caused even greater self hatred to draw Scotty unto HIMSELF and allow him to see his life through the eyes of God. I liken the transformation to that of Saul on the road to Damascus. God's work in transforming Scotty's heart was so immediate that it was nothing short of a miracle. I'm so grateful...

Scotty & I have decided that we will partner together in writing on this site. Marriage partnership is something we are enjoying a lot these days. Truly, "two are better than one..." And, when it comes to healing from adultery, there are 2 sides. I probably won't write here as much as Scotty; but, occasionally, I will write posts from my perspective. We want to be a "team" in our marriage, our family, as parents, and as we attempt to guide others in marriage recovery and marriage enrichment.

As a start, I've posted in my own blog a series of posts that describe the top 5 lessons that I've learned in our healing process so far. In case you are the spouse that was betrayed OR have a betrayed spouse that could use some encouragement, I'm going to link all 5 lessons here.

I know Scotty has said it, but I want to say it again prior to linking my posts. We DO NOT have this whole recovery thing figured out. We ARE NOT experts in the areas of marriage, parenting, life, relationships, etc. However, we are believers who are experiencing the love, grace and mercy of God in an amazing way. He has done GREAT things in our lives, and we feel we wouldn't be good stewards of HIS gift of restoration to hide it from the world. Our desire is to brag on the goodness of our God DAILY in hopes that others will find their way to healing.

So, here goes, the TOP five lessons I've learned through adultery....

God's character can be trusted.
Operating with a victim mentality doesn't demonstrate TRUST in God's character.
Abundant life takes WORK.
No matter the outcome, God is ENOUGH.
My life isn't only about ME.

If you are reading this as the spouse that has been betrayed, can I just say to you, "I'm sorry." Yours is a pain that I wish no one ever had to experience. But, I'd like to encourage you by saying that your Savior, Jesus Christ, was also betrayed. He knows the pain you are feeling. So, don't hide from HIM in your hurt. Take it to HIM. He knows what to do with it. Cry, yell, scream, hit something, etc.! He can take it. Then, will you do me a favor? Will you ask Him to work a miracle? Will you ask Him to surprise you with a mighty work that can't be explained apart from HIM? I can't promise many things in this life. But, I can promise you that HE will come through for you. I don't know how or when. But, I KNOW that if you will open your heart to the possibilities and FOLLOW HARD after Him, you'll be blown away with the outcome.

1 comment:

  1. I just love you, Amy Rogers. I love seeing the way God is moving in your family and using you both to point others to HIM!
