Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Still a work in progress

Even though I have experienced lots of personal changes these past two years, I still have a LONG way to go.
Occasionally, I still get...
  • Impatient with my children
  • Stressed over money and career direction
  • Confused as to what God is up to 
  • My feelings hurt
  • Bothered by trivial things
  • Bombarded by my past sin
  • Fearful of failure
  • Distracted by life and my circumstances
  • Stuck in my pursuit of Christ
  • Impatient with God's timing
I wish I could say these things never happen, but I would be lying if I did. I am WAY better about all of these struggles than I was our first 14 years of marriage, but that is not my standard. Jesus loves me the way I am, but loves me enough to continue pruning, sifting, and maturing me. I am typically "slow" when it comes to change, so He is very patient. I am grateful for that and for Him.

Change starts with me: To be a better husband, man, father, counselor and person in general, I have to work on me, and let God do His work in and through me. I want to be more loving, patient, kinder, forgiving, confident, giving, pure, wise, and honoring to God. That's my pursuit, my target.

I know I am going to mess up and "miss the mark" more often than I prefer. When I do, I hope to humbly bow before King Jesus and ask Him to forgive me, teach me, heal me, and restore me. The key then is to get right back up and keep pressing forward. I don't want to give in to defeat, shame, blame, negativity, pride or depression.

Recovery and the Christian life is destination, a pursuit, a journey, and a process. I want to enjoy it as much as possible and be found faithful as His servant. Apart from Christ I can do nothing.  

Proverbs 21:31 (The Message)
Do your best, prepare for the worst - then trust God to bring victory.

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