Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Shack & The Shack Revisted

A few years ago I read The Shack, by William Paul Young, and loved it. I met the author and heard his explanation of the book and why he wrote it. Powerful testimony no doubt. I also used to work for Baxter Kruger and Perichoresis Ministries, who wrote The Shack Revisited, which is the theology behind the book. He helps explain the Triune God (Papa) and our inclusion in His life through Christ and the Holy Spirit. 

Below is a link to the video of Baxter being interviewed on Crossroads 360 explanation the basis of The Shack Revisited and how it applies to the gospel. It's been controversial, but I believe we all need to wrestle with our faith and dig deeper into our beliefs and walk with Christ. I know I need to and want Jesus to enlighten my heart and eyes to see Him as He really is and see myself as He sees me.

The Shack Revisited Interview on Crossroads 360 (Video){93BC6D3A-9499-4624-B77C-83A5713458D4}&s=1#

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