Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The apostle Peter

As Amy and I were driving home from Texas this weekend, I got to thinking about the apostle Peter. His life and mine have some interesting similarities, and I can relate to a lot of his struggles. Like me, he seemed to struggle with feelings of inadequacy (Luke 5:8), he tended to speak before thinking (John 13), he showed passion for Christ but often missed the mark and got ahead of himself (John 18), and he betrayed Jesus deeply (John 13, 18). Yet, despite all that, Jesus told him he would build the church upon this "rock" or "stone,"which is what Peter's name (Cephas) means.

After three years of walking side by side with Jesus, Peter betrayed him (just as Jesus predicted or foretold). It was a very shameful, dark day for Peter. It could have cost him everything. The Bible says that after Jesus' death, burial, and even His resurrection that Peter and the disciples went back fishing. I am guessing that they had not been fishing since starting their ministry as disciples. John 21:3 says, "Simon Peter said to them, "I am going fishing." They said to him, "We will also come with you." They went out and got into the boat; and that night they caught nothing."

This is an interesting passage of Scripture. They seemed to have given up hope and returned to their old ways of living (fishing). Maybe they were thinking that it was all over, and it's time to move on. They could have been just trying to get their minds off the circumstances. Who knows, but it is a bit humorous and even sad that "that night they caught nothing." They were depressed and down and couldn't even catch any fish. What a bummer.

Thankfully, Peter's "legacy" didn't end with his betrayal of Jesus and feelings of hopelessness. What a powerful thing Jesus did for Peter and the disciples at the end of John 21. The story sends chills down my spine and fills me with hope as well. Jesus appeared to them on the shore and Peter sees him while still on the boat. Remember, Peter hasn't been with Jesus since he betrayed Him. There was some serious hurt and restoration that needed mending.

John 21:7-8 says, "Therefore, that disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, "It is the Lord." So when Simon Peter heard that it was the the Lord, he put his outer garment on (for he was stripped for work), and threw himself into the sea. But the other disciples came in the little boat, for they were not far from the land, but about one hundred yards away, dragging the net full of fish."

Peter swam 100 yards so he could get to Jesus! He left his buddies and all the fish behind and swam to Jesus. He was serious about getting to Jesus. What happens next is truly amazing. John 21:12 says, "Jesus said to them, "Come and have breakfast." Then, after breakfast, Jesus talked to Peter and asked him if he loved him. Three times he asked this and three times Peter said yes. Then, Jesus said, "Tend my sheep." Follow me! Go, finish the work I called you to. Reach the world for me.

Jesus restored Peter and set him free to become the man and disciple He had called him to. His ministry wasn't over. It really was just beginning. Peter had been "sifted" and pruned and prepared for that day. A chapter of shame and inadequacy was closed and a new one had started. In the book of Acts, Peter preaches and the holy spirit falls down and thousands are saved. WOW!

I am longing to have a story like Peter's. I have been through some major sin and shame and fear and doubt for years. I believe God has been sifting me the past two years and preparing me for something great, only He can do through me. I believe He is asking me if I love and trust Him. I am saying yes, and He says, "Tend my sheep." Go reach others. Spread the message of hope. Don't give in to shame and fear. Let my Holy Spirit fill you and speak through you.

I want that. I want to be found faithful and obedient and not done with ministry. I don't know what all it will look like, but I am hopeful and want to trust Christ and continually seek Him. Thank you Jesus for restoring Peter and allowing Him to continue his journey as a disciple of yours. May my story be similar and as always, You be the hero of my story, Jesus!

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