Thursday, August 22, 2013

We are the house

A big part of my recovery process has been to "repent" of so much improper thinking. As a believer in Christ, there are thoughts/beliefs that have no place in my heart and mind. In Christ, there is no shame, condemnation, helplessness, hopelessness, powerless, or inadequacy.

At 38 years old, I wish I was further along in life as a person, in my profession, and as a follower of Christ. However, I am grateful for where I am as opposed to where I could be. Things could have turned out very differently. How blessed I am. I don't want to forget that; ever.

In my growth as a man, I know I am "slow." In some ways that's okay since maturity is often a process over time. However, there are some things that I am slow with that really aren't necessary. I am slowly growing in my comfort with meeting with people face to face and hearing their story, while sharing mine. It is amazing to hear people share their struggles, joys, and triumphs. We all have a story and God is always right there in the middle of it, whether we realize it or not.

I read Hebrew 3 yesterday. Our Bible study at home school this semester is about Jesus. He's the highly exalted Son, seated at the right hand of the Father. He is our hope and salvation. In the first few verses, Jesus and Moses are compared. Jesus is the "builder" and Moses was the faithful servant, and we are the house. Check out the first seven verses:

Hebrews 3 The Message (MSG) -The Centerpiece of All We Believe

1-6 So, my dear Christian friends, companions in following this call to the heights, take a good hard look at Jesus. He’s the centerpiece of everything we believe, faithful in everything God gave him to do. Moses was also faithful, but Jesus gets far more honor. A builder is more valuable than a building any day. Every house has a builder, but the Builder behind them all is God. Moses did a good job in God’s house, but it was all servant work, getting things ready for what was to come. Christ as Son is in charge of the house.
6-11 Now, if we can only keep a firm grip on this bold confidence, we’re the house!
Here is an amazing, encouraging truth: "Christ as Son is in charge of the house...we're the house!" God is the builder; Jesus is the overseer of our house - us. He is faithful to all God has for Him and is holding everything together. We, his house, are in His hands. Some "houses" take longer to build. Some have to be remodeled. Some are big, some are small. Each is unique but built and managed by the same One - Jesus.

Jesus has received the fullest, highest honor from His Father. God saw fit to send Jesus to become a man, take on flesh and blood, and do everything necessary to save us and bring us into His life. The least we can do is to believe Him and trust Him enough to obey Him and give our lives to Him. That means our thoughts, actions, emotions, and entire life are in His hands.

Faith in action - living in the joy, freedom and confidence of Jesus, "the center piece of everything we believe, faithful in everything God gave to Him." He's the One who will enable us, free us, guide us, hold us, love us, and fulfill us. Why would we squander that and let sin, evil, fear, doubt, insecurity, and hopelessness have a place in our hearts and minds for more than a few seconds?

Again, I wake up and need to repent of un-Christ-like thinking. It's a daily process of letting Jesus the Builder and Overseer do as he wishes in me/with me - His house. What an honor it is to be called a child of God. May my life grow more and more, and be a mirror that reflects such truth.

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