Monday, August 26, 2013

We will remember

After facing a marriage earthquake like adultery, you never know how things are going to turn out - good or bad. Each situation is different and has huge challenges. It's sad that adultery is so common in our culture, even among Christians. I wish it had not been the path I took, but what God has done is nothing short of a miracle.

Yesterday at church was one of the most worshipful services I have experienced in a while. Being the two year point in our journey, I am sure I was a bit more sensitive and emotional. However, the spirit of God was moving at Hillcrest Baptist Church that morning. It was amazing to be standing next to Amy and celebrating what God has done in our lives.

Tears kept coming for both of us as we sang worship songs with a church full of people. When the song "We will remember" started, the tears really came pouring. Look at the lyrics from part of the song:
We will remember, we will remember
We will remember the works of Your hands
We will stop and give you praise
For great is Thy faithfulness
When we walk through life's darkest valleys
We will look back at all You have done
And we will shout, our God is good
And He is the faithful One
These words have been found true for us. We look back and remember that God has carried us through many dark days and is the faithful One for sure.

I continue to be awed by God and how He is working in our lives and the community around us. This morning, I read Amy's blog post from late last night. I was long asleep when she wrote it, but I was amazed once again at her thoughts on our situation. Her faith is real. She is more than my "better half." God is leading her toward a whole, full life, even after such a tragedy. She chose to stay and let God be huge in her life.

I want to share with you a link to her blog. It is very encouraging and is her perspective on faith, recovery, and journey to pursue Christ, no matter what life throws at us. AMY'S BLOG.

If I can attest to anything in this life, then it is this: don't underestimate what God is capable of doing in your life, no matter how hopeless it seems. He is serious about redemption. Let Him.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Scotty. Thank you for loving Amy. Thank you for those precious Cs. You had the same options as Amy, stay or leave. Thank you for staying. I know you give God all the praise. I love you. Janet
